
Lawns & Grass Specialists

Zone Crew Landscaping designers can remove your existing surface, install a new lawn and maintain it for you as well. We have the expertise and know how to incorporate a great lawn into your property or outdoor living space.

Irrigation and drainage
To stop you from spending hours watering your garden during the warmer months an irrigation system is recommended by Zone Crew to keep your lawn well watered and in great condition. On the other hand, during winter when rainfall is high, a lawn needs to be well drained. Zone Crew have the expertise to irrigate and drain excessive water.
Mowing and lawn design
To have a healthy lawn through all seasons it needs to be designed to have a balance of sun and shade to stop it from drying out in hot conditions. To also assist the quality and life of your lawn mowing needs to be taken seriously, if you are time poor let Zone Crew design a solution that is appropriate for your situation and budget.

Instant lawns
Depending on your budget, how fast you need to see a result, and how much maintenance time you’re willing to put into your lawn, you might find that instant lawns are the solution for you. Our landscaping designers can make sure your instant lawn has been grown in quality soil or sandy soil. Contact us today and let’s discuss options and ideas.
Artificial turf
Artificial turf is another option which is becoming increasingly popular for areas where you want the soft green look, but don’t want to mow it. The benefits of turf include: no watering, no fertiliser, no mowing, no mud, no weeds, always dry, always usable and it looks perfect 24/7. Today’s artificial turf is of the highest standard and incredibly naturalistic. Talk to us about your artificial turf pfoject today.